JCSI featured in OutwitTrade’s Article Regarding Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace
Our team was recently quoted in OutwitTrade’s article:
There are a few basic steps I would take to handling a dispute in the workplace and any difficult employees. Every situation is obviously unique, but I think these basic steps will help you navigate what to do.
(1) Document Everything. As a business owner or member of the HR team, you should be documenting everything that is happening. Write down everything, have employees offer their experience, and have all information accessible.
(2) Listen. This should be very basic but give difficult employees time to vent and talk about why they are behaving the way they are. Set them down, take them for a coffee, and really give them the time to talk.
(3) Ask This One Question. After you really listen, you need to ask this one question: “What can we do to resolve this?”
This one question can lead to finding a resolution and solving so many problems. Listen to their answer to this question, document it, and put it into effect (as long as it fits with company protocol).
If problems persist, you will know that you acted fairly in the beginning and you gave this employee (or employees) a chance to work out this dispute.
Jim Sullivan, CEO, JCSI
Check out the full article here: How To Deal With Conflict In The Workplace